














貸款試算車貸就學貸款計算高雄借貸通路台北二胎車貸青年安心成家貸款2017消債更生條例房貸利率比較2017銀行 中古車汽車貸款中古汽車貸款試算 月付金公式南港汽車當舖/ Staff writer, with CNAA Chinese fisherman was yesterday pulled alive from the hull of a fishing boat that capsized two days ago off the coast of New Taipei City, while the body of the captain was retrieved a few hours later.Lin Moufu (林謀福) was rescued at 10:50am after rescue workers cut open the hull of the Chin Jui Yi No. 88, which had eight crew members aboard when it capsized off Cape Fuguei (富貴角), the northernmost point of Taiwan proper, on Friday.Lin, the second survivor to be rescued, appeared to be suffering from hypothermia, but had no visible injuries, paramedics said.Before being taken to the Tamsui branch of Mackay Memorial Hospital, he told officials and reporters that he had been trapped in a partially submerged cabin since the boat capsized and had gone without food or water.The body of Taiwanese captain Wu Tsung-te (吳聰德) was found in a cabin at about 2pm a公教貸款利率2017f房貸提前解約!壽險房貸的部分!如何處理t新北2手車貸款借二胎er the vessel was righted.Three Chinese and two Vietnamese crew members were still listed as missing, but their bodies were thought to be trapped in the wreckage, which washed onto a shoal off Shihmen District (石門) yesterday.Asked about the missing men, Lin said he had heard some knocking afte台灣出國留學獎學金首次購屋利率 >大湖中小企業貸款r台灣中小企業貸款營運週轉新北市汽車當舖免留車政府創業貸款率條件>南投貼現利率計算方式欠錢詐欺 the accident, but the sounds stopped after a while and he had heard nothing until he heard his rescuers’ voices.When he heard voices, he began knocking on the sides of the cabin to attract attention, Lin said.The rescue team was from a private marine search and rescue company hired by the owner of the Chin Jui Yi No. 88. They worked with members of the New Taipei City Fire Department, who cut open the hull to reach Lin.The boat, which left Keeling on Wednesday, was fishing for shrimp off Zhuwei (竹圍) in Tamsui District (淡水) when it encountered bad weather on Friday and began heading toward a port in Shihmen at ab個人信貸試算excelout 5pm.Three hours later, it capsized in rough seas, and Chinese crew member Lin Moude (林謀德) was pulled from the water by a nearby boat.新聞來源:TAIPEI TIMES

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